I wanted to start the blog on a positive note, and what could be better than The Best Breastfeeding Story Ever? You may think that this would only happen in a peer's late night fantasies, but let me tell you, dear reader, that this actually happened to me.
I was seeing a mother who was having some problems getting her baby to latch. She had successfully breastfed her first child, and she was very frustrated that she couldn't get her new baby to the breast. She was also unhappy about supplementing with formula. The baby was maybe about two weeks old. We worked together to try to get the baby to latch. The little one was having trouble opening his mouth wide enough; he rooted beautifully but once he had the breast in his mouth would slip off and get frustrated. Baby was quite hungry at this point, so I suggested feeding him a little from the bottle to take the edge off his hunger and make him more patient as we continued to try to latch. We finally got baby to latch and nurse successfully with the help of a nipple shield. He got a good hold on the breast, nursed for about 10 minutes, and when he came off the breast there was milk in the shield and a blissed out smile on baby's face. As Mom was getting ready to leave, I was helping her put her things back in her diaper bag. When I picked up the little bottle of formula she told me, "I don't need that-- throw it away!" I admit I was just a bit gleeful as I threw that bottle of formula in the trash can. As if that wasn't wonderful enough, as I walked her to her car, the mother told me, "You changed my life."
Is that not The Best Breastfeeding Story Ever?
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